Mirjam Guesgen

Freelance Science Writer

I am a freelance science writer currently based in Toronto, Canada, with a particular interest in animal welfare.

I love communicating complex, scientific ideas in an engaging, balanced, thought-out and informative way.


I have a real, heartfelt desire to tell stories – the stories that challenge our thinking, the personal ones and the world-changing ones. I use my background as a scientist to bring researchers on side as sources, getting them to speak out about undiscovered or under-reported topics.

I write news, features and video scripts on issues related to science, as it collides with technology, health, business, society and/or ethics.

My work has appeared in The Globe and Mail, The Financial Post, The Cut, Canadian Geographic, Vice, Maisonneuve, The Record, Aeon, Seeker, BrainFacts, and others, as well as on the YouTube channels SciShow and Hot Mess.

Previously I was the editor of VetScript magazine, a publication highlighting what veterinarians are doing to shape and influence issues related to animals, people and the environment.

Before I became a full-time writer, I gained my PhD in Zoology from Massey University, New Zealand and went on to complete a Postdoctoral Fellowship at the University of Alberta, Canada. I have published nearly a dozen scientific publications ranging in topic from describing lamb facial expressions to how to measure emotion using motion capture technology.